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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: sanchoniathon on 21 Jan 2008 12:55:24 PM

Title: Result set names don't match
Post by: sanchoniathon on 21 Jan 2008 12:55:24 PM
Hi to all,

After modifying the datasource of my frame work manager model and republishing under the same pakage name, i then open my report and receive message alerting that package has been updated and then receive the following error message:
CCLAssertError:0:Fatal: CCL_ASSERT_NAMED(rResultSetName == rsCurrentResultSetName, "Result set names don't match.");

Any idea why ? Or any suggestions ?

Thanks !
Title: Re: Result set names don't match
Post by: Suraj on 21 Jan 2008 02:36:32 PM
Seems like there is a mismatch in data types.
One way to fix is to cast the data types to one common types.
It usually happens in joins.
Title: Re: Result set names don't match
Post by: sanchoniathon on 22 Jan 2008 08:42:57 AM
Hi Suraj,

1- When you say CAST the data types into one common type, where, exactly do i need to this ? Inside my report for EACH COLUMN in my joined queries ? Inside the frameWork Manager model ? Please more details on this if possible.

2- When you are saying, that it usually happens in joins. But where exactly do i need to verify this ? Inside the query in my report ?

3- I've also been told that this error occurs when Cognos 8 cannot determine the query reference for a data item ?
That normally those data items have red circle with a white x icon that appears in the lower left corner. But i don't seem to see any of those in my report. Please more details on this if possible.


Thanks for your time Suraj !
Title: Re: Result set names don't match
Post by: Suraj on 22 Jan 2008 10:46:22 AM
I had several reports complaining this when we moved from 8.1 to 8.2.
In joins, we join date with date...
we had to go in both queries and cast date as
cast([date], date) or similar cast functions to make sure they both are same.
Even though they are same, it complained and after casting, error went away.
There may be several reasons to why this happens, but we were trying to resolve the issue quickly regardless.
Title: Re: Result set names don't match
Post by: sanchoniathon on 22 Jan 2008 12:53:34 PM
Finally it was our DBA that had forgotten (in new database) to add the  synonims for the  functions.
So i don't need to change nothing in my reports.

My problematic reports are now ok.

Thanks for your time Suraj !