as far as I know it used to be the case that for a scheduled report the sender is the mail address in user's profile (if applicable) of the owner. If there is no mail address stored the default address from Cognos Configuration is used. There is also this paramter alwaysUseDefaultSender to change this behaviour.
Do you know if this has changed in 11.0.X? For now I can see that now by default the default address from configuration is used. There is no chance to use another mail address.
Might this result from the way the mail address is stored?
Thanks and best regards,
That depends on what version of Cognos you are asking about.
In 11.0.7 emails were from the owner of the report (or schedule?).
11.0.13 has a bug that makes all emails come from the email address from Cognos Configuration > Local Configuration > Data Access > Notification > Default sender. There is an interim fix available.
In 10.2.1 emails were from the owner of the report by default. This could be overridden to use the "Default sender" by changing a setting somewhere (Cognos Administration, XML file, ...?) I had a support case about this but can't see it any more because it is in the old PMR system. This may still be an option in 11.x.
Thanks a lot for your reply. That is exactly what I was looking for.
In my case the problem occurs in version 11.1 and also 11.0.13. So maybe it is the same code base. Well, anyway, I suspect we need to got for the interim fix.
Thanks again!
I noticed there has been a Fixpack (FP1) released for 11.0.13 on March, 20th, however I cannot see a change log and when applying on a test environment it does not seem to fix the issue with the default mail address. Also I do not see any interims fix available.
Do you have any further information?
Thanks and cheers
Experiencing some bugs in email sender as well for 11.0.13.
Where email sender is different from the owner of the report.
No configurations was set for default sender.
As previously stated, in 11.0.13 the emails are sent from the email defined in Cognos Configuration. (Data Access -> Notification -> Default sender)
I just installed 11.0.13 Fix Pack 1 (build and emails are now coming from the owner of the report (or report view, or schedule, or agent, or whatever it was in 11.0.7).