Hi Team,
We use Cognos 11.0.13 for our product. We have created reports out of Data module built on top of reporting package. in development environment.
We would like to to move the metadata of data module to a test/PreProd environment but fails with creation and execution of deployment package.
Can you please let us know on steps to perform for deploying the data module (created based on Dataset from Relational reporting package) from one environment to other?
We tried using the below URL, but execution of deployment package fails with an error.
Does Cognos support to create data set/data module using SDK?
If yes, please share the document with API's to be used for creating data module using SDK.
Will it be a violation of the Official Secrets Act if you give us a bit more information about the errors?
The link points to a video which is unavailable so I don't think you used that.
While you're at it, tell me can you say what settings you used when you created the deployment?
When you imported the deployment what settings did you use? Also, near the end of the deployment wizard there's a checkbox which says something along the lines of 'tell me the details of the results of the import'. Did you click it on? It could be helpful in saying what problems you encountered.
Depending on what has gone wrong, in addition to addressing problems through changing deployment settings there are possible methods in the module for fixing problems, such as re-linking to the data sources.
The actions to be performed depend on the nature of the errors, though.
Hi bus_pass_man,
Extremely sorry for not providing the complete error.
The error was "CM-REQ-4313 An error occurred during an export operation".
And sorry again, this issue was due to changes in Content store tables. We were deleting some of the records in content store which was causing the issue. We were able to create deployment of data module successfully in other 11.0.13 environment.
Meanwhile, have you come across the support for SDK in creating data module/data set?
Thankyou so much for your time.
There's an old joke that goes like this:
Some people find a man on his knees under a street light at night. They ask him what is he doing. He says, 'I lost my car keys over there'. The people ask him, 'If you lost your keys over there, why are you looking for your keys over here?' The man says, 'Because this is where the light is.'
1I would like to put it to you that it might be worthwhile to contemplate the possibility that mucking about in the content store data base could cause you much grief, not counting what you are experiencing now, including the possible irreparable corruption of your content store. In addition, I don't know if your licence and/or support agreement actually allows you to do it but I'd be surprised if it does.
I'm going to hazard a guess and say that I would not be surprised to learn that this is not the first time you have mucked about in your content store data base.
Just because you feel comfortable in that environment does not mean it is an appropriate approach to the problem.
Quote"CM-REQ-4313 An error occurred during an export operation".
OK, so that error isn't very informative isn't it? To make it worse, it isn't clear at what point you encountered it, which is one of the reasons I wanted to find out what settings you had when you created your deployment and when you imported it, and whether you had the setting on the last page of the import wizard checked on to provide a more verbose list of results. Was that the entire message? When you looked at things like the following, did that affect results?
You might need to do the import on a brand new content store data base but we'll worry about that later on.
Are you able to open the modules? Are you able to re-link the data sources?
I'm not sure why you think that using a SDK to create modules is a solution to the problem that you have encountered; it certainly isn't germain to the problem that you are complaining about.
1. I'm here all week; try the veal.
@bus_pass_man ... very much enjoyed this thread... thanks for making my day! 8)