my requirement is to give user a functionality of "send your query to concern team along with attachment through email" or "send your query to concern team along with screenshot through email" by clicking on link within the report output .
Basically i want to implement one of the below scenario
1)To forward/reply (with concern email ids ) to the scheduled report email so that it will have original report output attachment for the team understanding
2)To achieve cut and paste functionality on report output on single click so that it will have screenshot of output for team understanding
to achieve first scenario (report attachment) i tried below solution
1) I have scheduled report output as embedded email body . but not able to implement forward/reply functionality to the email window
2) Created a html item inside the report which is having href tag , through this i am able to open web mail with concern emails , subject and body . but i am not able to attach report output in it.
to achieve second scenario (cut and paste) i tried below solution
1)Write report content as body using href tag . but stuck with the formatting part because in URL i was only able to write text(data item values with spaces and line change) content . i am not able to do formatting(as report output formatting) in it like coloring , alignment , table outline etc
looking for a solution that will fulfill my requirement . (to send email with report-screenshot/report-attachment when he will click on the link provided to the report output)
This is a scheduled report that the user receives by email and opens by clicking on the hyperlink or opening the attachment?
You may be overthinking this. Why don't they just forward the email? If the concern is they don't know where to send it, how about including contact information for the support team in the email?