I'm trying to do am easy install>First Time on windows 2016.
All good, until I try and configure SSO, it appears that the gateway components did not get installed with the 'Easy Install" (cognosisapi.dll and others are missing from cgi-bin)
An over the top, does not present me with any options to install additional components, is there a way I can 'fool' the installer into thinking it's a first time install so I can choose components ?
Or, any other fix ?
easy install uses the default gateway servelet thus does not use the cgi or isapi. you need to do custom install. And use IIS
That explains it then, but I need the default content store & the gateway.
Quote from: cadams on 13 Feb 2019 06:36:36 PM
That explains it then, but I need the default content store & the gateway.
I'm pretty sure IBM don't recommend the Informix inbuilt content store for production use. Are you setting up an instance for a demo or a POC?
I have same problem that cognosisapi.dll file is not present in the cgi-bin and That's why my SSO not configured
After reinstall in custom way the problem was resolved or it is?
Any other way to do SSO using easy install
Any other way to do SSO when you choose cust