Hello, I'd appreciate some help.
I have an Active Report that contains global data and an Active Report with a data deck to select Europe and Rest of the World (RoW)data. The reasons I'm using 2 different Active Reports are ease of ditribution and also performance as having 1 Active Report with all data makes the reports slow.
I want to be able to drill down from the Global to Europe or RoWby passing a parameter (variable or whatever) based on a click made by the user in the Global report so that the target report will show the desired data. The seleciotn on the target report can be done now by a data drop down that controls the data deck.
So far I do not know how to do that. If I use the standard drill-though method, I get prompted for parameters and of course the target report has no parameters. There is an "Application drill-though" option but I have no idea how to use that.
Thanks in advance for any ideas