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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Reporting => Topic started by: oscarca on 22 Jan 2019 10:51:59 AM

Title: GEN-ERR-0009 Data source type(s) error
Post by: oscarca on 22 Jan 2019 10:51:59 AM
Hello Cognoise,

I am getting a strange error one I try to do a running-total calculation based on a case statement:

First data item "[running-total In time, correct quantity order]"
[In time, correct quantity orderline] >= 1 and [Not in time, wrong quantity orderline] = 0
within set [Business].[Purchase Order Measures].[Purchase Order Number])

Second data item "Running-total amount order"
running-total(count(distinct([Business].[Purchase Order Measures].[Purchase Order Number])) at [Supplier],[Month] for [Supplier])

Third data item "in time, correct quantity % order":
[running-total in time, correct quantity order]/[Running-total amount order]

When running this I am getting a very strange error messege. Anyone familiar with this : ?
Failure RSV-SRV-0063 An error occurred while executing the 'promptPagingForward_Request' command. GEN-ERR-0013 Initially,

in data source type(s) '', the function 'providerQuery' is not supported in 'ReporterModeProvider'. After decomposition,

the function 'ces_currentmeasure' is not supported in 'RelationalQueryProvider'. GEN-ERR-0009 Data source type(s) '' -

Function 'realDataMode' is not supported in 'NoDataModeProvider'. GEN-ERR-0009 Data source type(s) 'OL' - Function 'total'

is not supported in 'RelationalQueryProvider'. GEN-ERR-0009 Data source type(s) 'OL' - Function 'total' is not supported in

'RelationalQueryProvider'. GEN-ERR-0009 Data source type(s) '' - Function 'realDataMode' is not supported in

'NoDataModeProvider'. GEN-ERR-0009 Data source type(s) '' - Function 'realDataMode' is not supported in

'NoDataModeProvider'. GEN-ERR-0009 Data source type(s) '' - Function 'oneDimension' is not supported in

'CubeBuildProvider'. GEN-ERR-0009 Data source type(s) '' - Function 'realDataMode' is not supported in

'NoDataModeProvider'. GEN-ERR-0009 Data source type(s) 'PC' - Function 'running-total' is not supported in

'OlapQueryProvider'. GEN-ERR-0009 Data source type(s) 'PC' - Function 'running-total' is not supported in

'OlapQueryProvider'. GEN-ERR-0009 Data source type(s) '' - Function 'realDataMode' is not supported in

'NoDataModeProvider'. GEN-ERR-0009 Data source type(s) '' - Function 'providerQuery' is not supported in

'MDOperationProvider'. GEN-ERR-0009 Data source type(s) '' - Function 'oneDimension' is not supported in

'CubeBuildProvider'. GEN-ERR-0009 Data source type(s) '' - Function 'providerQuery' is not supported in

'ReporterModeProvider'. GEN-ERR-0010 The function 'ces_currentmeasure' is not supported in 'RelationalQueryProvider'. GEN-

ERR-0011 The pattern 'providerQuery' is not supported in 'OlapQueryProvider'.    <parameters><item name="model"><![CDATA
Title: Re: GEN-ERR-0009 Data source type(s) error
Post by: oscarca on 23 Jan 2019 09:37:04 AM