Looks like CA 11 Report doesn't have stable browser compatibility( specially IE) and doesn't know how long the report loses the menu buttons, sometimes the refresh button disappears and the switch between edit mode and normal is still not good.Why CA11 not designed more user friendly? Comments please.Ty.
Are the problems also when utilizing Chrome?
Yes, some issues persist even with Chrome
Cognos 11... what? There are 14 releases currently available.
Please describe the behavior that is causing you trouble. For example, what do you mean by, "...loses the menu buttons"?
Well, thanks for your time. We're on 11.0.6 for an example when I edit a report and make some modifications sometime I lose save / refresh buttons. It's not easy to switch between edit and refresh mode.
Any chance you can update to a more recent version?
I've been using C11 since R3. We have R9 and haven't seen the issues you mention. (I use Chrome to code, but I've tested IE as well)
Also, can you give more details about "losing the save button"?
When you run the report in Cognos, it opens a new tab that shows the report. If you want to edit the report after that, you need go back to the tab that is in edit mode. This caused some confusion to developers that were not very familiar with the environment. I wonder if that's your case as well
Thank you for your answer. Yes, it would be better to upgrade the latest version. I'm not sure if it's my ambiguity with the environment or it's really a problem. I'll share more details. Generally speaking, how( I know this is agenric question) to familiarize myself with Cognos features. Please advise