Is there any way to restore specific reports etc only from a full backup running on SQL Server, I am new to this and all I can see on the SQL server is the primary data file, I am assuming that this contains the backup, ideally if I could drill down on this and copy across only reports or a specific report, it would be great. Is this possible? Any ideas how?
Yes you could, restore the Content database to a TEST/Development Server, of course on this server
you will need to have Cognos 8 Server & SQL Server, for the database you could also restore the content database to the LIVE server with a different name, i would try to avoid this.
then configure the test server to point to the restored content database,
then login to the test server and you could either copy the report to clipboard or open the report and select the Save to local drive
then copy/open the report back in the LIVE server.
Have you had a look at the backup / restore feature of MetaManager? You can selectively pick what to backup up from Public Folders (All of Public Folders, specific Packages, specific Folders, specific reports, etc.) and Personal My Folders (All personal content or selected personal content). The backup captures the report spec (XML) and related information to a .zip file.
Once captured, at any time you can restore the entire backup or individual objects to the same location as to where it came from, a different location in the same content store, or any location in any other content store (i.e. backup a single report from your development environment content store and restore to any location in your production content store).
So in addition to a backup / restore tool, it serves as a migration utility as well within multiple environments. Have a look at this (and the other 8 modules) in the Powered by Cognos section of COGNOiSe at ( You can also see a recording of the product at (