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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: Stejawh on 16 Jan 2008 05:38:36 AM

Title: Error when adding a Job Server
Post by: Stejawh on 16 Jan 2008 05:38:36 AM

We have a 2003 Contributor Application Server and 2003 Job Server we are trying to add.  The remote communication test is successfull however the following error is recieved when i click add.

Unable to execute EAdminUI_73.frmJobServerProperties.cmdAdd_Click

Server did not respond in the time allowed.

Internet Client Error: Request Timeout.

At line 240

Planning73 and the Cognos Service are running under local admina ccounts on the jobserver.

Title: Re: Error when adding a Job Server
Post by: ykud on 16 Jan 2008 07:09:35 AM
Try adding server to pad from that very server (that is from contributor console installed on that server). It'll register and work correctly.
Title: Re: Error when adding a Job Server
Post by: Stejawh on 16 Jan 2008 07:32:29 AM
Sorry, not sure i understand what you mean, can you explain?


Title: Re: Error when adding a Job Server
Post by: ykud on 17 Jan 2008 03:15:21 PM
I assume that you have 2 servers (the pad one and the job one) and you want to join job one into cluster.
This can be done by logging to job server and adding it to the pad from there.
Title: Re: Error when adding a Job Server
Post by: Stejawh on 23 Jan 2008 09:01:58 AM
Thanks for your help, That's great