Has anyone ever tried to accomplish the following:
Have reports being (via an automated job) saved to a server/directory outside of Cognos? If so, could you please provide details as to how this was done.
Nevermind - I figured out a way. Although if anyone has any suggestions, please do not hesitate to comment. After all, your suggestion may be a better way.
Have a look at the Cognos Content Extractor. http://www.bspsoftware.com/products/contentextractor.php (http://www.bspsoftware.com/products/contentextractor.php)
The Cognos Content Extractor is designed to better manage, track and maintain the various output versions within your Cognos environment, and it includes the following benefits:
- Runs either on demand or on a scheduled basis.
- Retrieves only the content that has been generated since the last extraction, therefore only pulling new report versions.
- Maintains the integrity of your Cognos Content Store, as CCE preserves the versions within your Cognos Connection UI (the versions remain in Content Store as they traditionally have) by only extracting a copy of the content out to the local file system.
- Places the extracted content into a windows directory of your specification, with folder structures representing your Cognos Connection setup.
- Enables retention of an unlimited number of Cognos report versions, all saved to a local file system. Each report has the date and time stamp built into the name of the file to provide easy version recognition.
- Comes with a web front end that can be incorporated into any Intranet / Extranet environment for easy access and navigation of the extracted content.