I have a query that holds trending and forecasted capacity data for nodes in our environment. So there are multiple rows with the same date in the date column, but different nodes. I have a data repeater table that goes off another query to create a group of buttons for every node, clicking on these sets an active report variable to that node. This active report variable has a default node on report start.
I'm trying to create a line chart that is filtered by the active report variable, but I can't seem to get any data in the y-axis to be provided.
The X axis is the date, data format is set to Date with medium preset. Value is the capacity, data format set to number. Node is put under extra categories, so I can filter the data. Container filter is set to Node in Node (the active report variable). However, when I run the report, I get dates showing up, but the y-axis is always null.
I know the query is getting the data, since show tabular data produces the correct data.
I would think this should be possible, but maybe the multiple date values messes Cognos up.
In short: Query has data items: Date, Node, Capacity. Each node has the same date values, one for each start of the week, for 52 weeks trending, 52 weeks forecasted. Node is an extra category being used to filter the data, set under the container filter using the active report variable that has a default value of one of our nodes.
EDIT: Even after putting a detail filter on the query that just gives the data on one node doesn't produce any y-values, every date still has a y-value of null...
Should I be using a data deck to filter the visualization instead? I'm not sure, nothing I'm trying gives back any data in the visualization besides the date.