I am attaching an image which shows quantity of sales for fy 2019 and fy 2018 and above the fy 2019 bar there is percentage growth shown.
Is this possible to achieve using any of the charts.
Any suggestions is appreciated.
Quote from: nithya1224 on 29 Nov 2018 09:41:08 PM
I am attaching an image which shows quantity of sales for fy 2019 and fy 2018 and above the fy 2019 bar there is percentage growth shown.
Is this possible to achieve using any of the charts.
Any suggestions is appreciated.
Your attached chart shows what appear to be actual products and growth figures. I suggest you remove the image and provide something that does not divulge this information.
Quote from: nithya1224 on 29 Nov 2018 09:41:08 PM
I am attaching an image which shows quantity of sales for fy 2019 and fy 2018 and above the fy 2019 bar there is percentage growth shown.
Is this possible to achieve using any of the charts.
Any suggestions is appreciated.
Attached is a report spec from the GO sample data that shows something approximate to your requirement. The combinations property for the chart includes a stacked bar as well as the clustered bar. The clustered bar shows the two years side by side. The stacked bar includes the second year quantity and the % Change and is set to show values. The palette for the stacked bar has the first bar transparent so the effect is to put the figures above the top of the second year bar. It does also show the second year revenue in addition to the % Change.
Removed the original image .
Thanks for your help !! It works well now . Is it possible to overlap the the first column bar one above other so we get more real estate.
Hi Lynn,
Attached my output i got .
There are 2 issues I am facing now .
1) The percentages are not shown with % symbol , even though the data format of the growth is set to % , 2 decimals etc ..
2) If you see in my screenshot if the quantity of first bar is greater than the second bar then the value shown is going behind the bar . (Any workaround to overcome when sales or qunatity is more in prior year .
Thanks for all your help .
Percentage issue is fixed. I deleted and recreated the same variable and fixed . (Weird)
For 2nd
2) If you see in my screenshot if the quantity of first bar is greater than the second bar then the value shown is going behind the bar . (Any workaround to overcome when sales or qunatity is more in prior year .
May be some property like send to front for label?
Quote from: cognos05 on 30 Nov 2018 08:44:32 AM
Is it possible to overlap the the first column bar one above other so we get more real estate.
You can make a bar within a bar as illustrated in the attached report spec that uses the sample data. Go to the combinations property for the chart and add another clustered bar on the primary axis. Put first year on the first clustered bar and set the bar width to something desired (default is 80 px, my example uses 60). Put the second year on the second clustered bar and set the bar width to half of the first bar width (40 for detault, 30 in my example). Set the palette on each clustered with a different first color. In my example I picked the "Classic" palette for both bars but have the dark blue for year one and a light blue for year two.
Quote from: cognos05 on 30 Nov 2018 10:25:56 AM
If you see in my screenshot if the quantity of first bar is greater than the second bar then the value shown is going behind the bar . (Any workaround to overcome when sales or qunatity is more in prior year .
May be some property like send to front for label?
The trick we used to get the label above the bars was to create a stacked bar on the primary axis with the % change stacked on top of the second year revenue. The bar for the second year revenue is set to 100% transparent so it won't show in the graph at all because it is simply used to position the % figure above the bar. Instead of using the second year bar to prop up the percentage, create a calculation that is either year 1 revenue or year 2 revenue depending on which is higher. I've done this in the attached to illustrate. The negative % figures sit beneath the bars rather than above because it is still using the primary scale axis. but I think this makes it quite clear that performance is down especially combined with the bar inside the bar technique.
Fun stuff! Hope this helps.
Thank you so much. I am going to try this . Never done this kind of manipulation, but looks good to know how much we can do . I really appreciate your help taking time to help .
Quote from: cognos05 on 03 Dec 2018 07:31:10 AM
Thank you so much. I am going to try this . Never done this kind of manipulation, but looks good to know how much we can do . I really appreciate your help taking time to help .
I hope it works well for you. Happy to help!
Hi Lynn ,
I tested the samples you gave , works very well .
My question is :
The second chart you have which has whichever revenue is greater , shows the highest value and plots the percentage .
Is there a way to show only percentages without sales value (I doubt that its possible because , we need a reference to write the growth on top of the bar .
Quote from: cognos05 on 04 Dec 2018 07:23:24 AM
Hi Lynn ,
I tested the samples you gave , works very well .
My question is :
The second chart you have which has whichever revenue is greater , shows the highest value and plots the percentage .
Is there a way to show only percentages without sales value (I doubt that its possible because , we need a reference to write the growth on top of the bar .
The sales figure is an invisible bar within the stacked bar that is propping up the % change so it will display at the top. I don't see a way to show only one of the two values in the stacked bar. You can mess with the order of the combinations, set the values to be inside top, and set the data format scale for the sales figure to make it small and hide behind the other clustered bar (remember the problem you had with figures obscured earlier?). But this may not work for all situations, especially for negative growth. An alternative might be to omit the sales and show the percentage at the bottom of each bar.
For your image 1 in the chart .
How is 2012 revenue label not showing when 2011 is greater .
Attached the image , in my case i see an overlapping label in back .
Atatched image .
Quote from: cognos05 on 04 Dec 2018 02:37:28 PM
For your image 1 in the chart .
How is 2012 revenue label not showing when 2011 is greater .
Attached the image , in my case i see an overlapping label in back .
Atatched image .
You can set the data format as a number and scale it to make it very small so it is obscured by the bar. For example, number (so you don't get a currency symbol), zero decimal places, scale -3 (or something appropriate for your data). As I said in my earlier post, this may not work in all situations so be careful if you decide to try this technique.
Hi Lynn,
I used the approach you suggested with one clustered and one stacked.
Clustered showing fytd and Pytd sales and stacked showing higher sales of fytd or pytd and the growth ..
For most cases its working fine but for the attched image its not , can you tell me what could be the reason.
Quote from: cognos05 on 27 Dec 2018 09:27:35 PM
Hi Lynn,
I used the approach you suggested with one clustered and one stacked.
Clustered showing fytd and Pytd sales and stacked showing higher sales of fytd or pytd and the growth ..
For most cases its working fine but for the attched image its not , can you tell me what could be the reason.
Sorry, I can't quite tell what the issue is in your situation. Is there something else stacked on top of the transparent bar besides the higher figure and the growth percentage? Or it might have to do with how you've defined the axis.
how should the axis be defined , its same for both the charts.
I posted an example based on the sample package that might give you some ideas about what is different in your report.
It looks like there is another wider orange bar in your scenario that I don't quite understand. Is that the problem you are having? Or is it the negative growth that is the problem?
My example had clustered bars for current and prior styled as a bar within a bar, then the stacked bar was transparent behind that to prop up the percentage growth figure at the top. I think my example also had negative growth situations but I'm not certain.
Hope this helps.