I have created a report studio Cognos report and Scheduled it to save the report as an excel to a file system every day. But the Report is not saving as an excel to the file system consistently. How to troubleshoot this issue.
The Scheduler shows the same success message when it is saved or even for not saved.
would check if the problem lies with the target location. Is it a network share? Try a local folder on the active content manager.
There are severyl deep logging options, IBM support could explain them.
The network location is fine. The file has saved few days consistently but later it has failed.
I reviewed the Cognos Server Logs but It did not say why the report is not getting saved.
The Scheduler to save the file is a daily schedule. But its not getting saved consistently. Can anyone suggest on this.
I have figured out the scheduler is working fine. I am able to save the reports to the file system. But the issue is I have the dispatchers. So when the scheduler
gets activated the report is getting saved on the server associated to the dispatcher. How do I set for the report to get saved in one of the report server.
Quote from: srinu1253 on 05 Dec 2018 12:34:40 AM
I have figured out the scheduler is working fine. I am able to save the reports to the file system. But the issue is I have the dispatchers. So when the scheduler
gets activated the report is getting saved on the server associated to the dispatcher. How do I set for the report to get saved in one of the report server.
The ideal solution is to use a single network folder that all servers (dispatchers) are configured to save to.
The alternative is to start using Routing Rules so that a single server handles all these requests, but then you lose your load balancing / failover capabilities for these reports.
Problem is I cant sacrifice the load balancing capabilities just for this :)
Quote from: srinu1253 on 06 Dec 2018 11:29:12 PM
Problem is I cant sacrifice the load balancing capabilities just for this :)
As above, the ideal solution is to use a single network folder that all servers (dispatchers) are configured to save to. That way you don't sacrifice load balancing.