We have a Query that calculates a Data Item Named 'IsClosed" as 1 or 0.
The Query result has six (6) rows where 'IsClosed' = 1
Trying another Data Item as ...
Total([IsClosed] for [Level 1 Name])
... and trying various Detail and Summary Aggregations of ...
Calculated, etc (about every other combination) result in 1 or 18.
The Data Item needs a result of 6 which will be placed in a Singleton.
We have always been able to do calculations like the above until today.
Ideas please. Thank you, Bob
S O L U T I O N ...
At least in this query.
Setting ...
Detail Aggregation to Not applicable
Summary Aggregation to Calculated
Hope this helps others will may encounter this in the future.
All have a good weekend, Bob