Hello team,
I would like to know how to change the default database of the Cognos 11 to Postgres. Could anyone please help me this.??...
Quote from: mastan on 08 Nov 2018 01:11:39 AM
Hello team,
I would like to know how to change the default database of the Cognos 11 to Postgres. Could anyone please help me this.??...
Can you explain what you mean by "default database"? Are you referring to a database used as a data source, or are you referring to the content store database?
Hi I am referring to the Content store database?.. Is it possible for Postgres??
You cannot use Postgres as a content store
Hello, Thanks for the update...! Actually, I am new to the Cognos. would like to know the what is the default database will come with the setup file?
If you are doing an out-of-the-box installation then it will come with an Informix content store DB.
You can however use DB2, SQL Server or Oracle if required.
See this link for details of versions of content stores (aka content servers) : https://www.ibm.com/software/reports/compatibility/clarity-reports/report/html/prereqsForProduct?deliverableId=133544F0545D11E88CA35FB9AF6FA368
Hello Thanks for your help actually for my Cognos Linux setup the looking for DB2 as a content DB so i have installed it and configured successfully.