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Planning & Consolidation => TM1 => Topic started by: jburchill on 24 Oct 2018 02:51:41 PM

Title: Filter on attribute
Post by: jburchill on 24 Oct 2018 02:51:41 PM
Hello, I'm trying to filter on Months Attribute. Using report studio and querying against TM1 cube.  We have an attribute called ForecastMonths with values of 'FM' or 'Act.  This tells me what months are forecasting data or what month is Actual data.
I've been searching high and low to see if I can filter on a months attribute to only bring in FM or Act.  Is there a specific function that calls an attribute?

Thank you
Title: Re: Filter on attribute
Post by: CognosPaul on 24 Oct 2018 04:54:28 PM
I'm a little confused by the way you're describing it. Can you paste a screenshot of how the dimension appears in RS?

It sounds like you have a hierarchy containing two members, FM and Act. If this is the case you should be able to just drag one of them into the query slicer.
Title: Re: Filter on attribute
Post by: sdf on 25 Oct 2018 07:52:18 AM
If you say you have the attributes set. Then the attribute must be available under the Dimension > Hierarchy,  same level as "Members" folder.
You can directly use them.
Title: Re: Filter on attribute
Post by: jburchill on 25 Oct 2018 10:51:34 AM
Thanks for the replies...I'm totally new to this.  I'm trying to filter on the ForecastMonths for ACT or FM.  So the first is the dimension in prespectives.  and the second screenshot is from FS.
Title: Re: Filter on attribute
Post by: sdf on 26 Oct 2018 03:46:43 PM
so you cannot see the ForecastMonths attribute in your cube source? Should be the same level as the folder named "Members".
Title: Re: Filter on attribute
Post by: CognosPaul on 26 Oct 2018 03:53:33 PM
TM1 cubes by default don't have named levels. In TM1 Architect there should be a setting somewhere to enable named levels. Set that and you should see the attributes in RS.

Then you can create a data item like:
filter([Cube].[Dim].[Date Hierarchy].[Month Level],[Cube].[Dim].[Date Hierarchy].[Month Level].[Attribute]='Whatever')
Title: Re: Filter on attribute
Post by: jburchill on 29 Oct 2018 09:41:41 AM
Thank you for the replies again.  I see what might of happened.  I was trying to build a report out of package that our consultants made.  I created a new package and now I have everything I'm looking for.  Wouldn't of got that without your help.  Learning on the fly!!