Hello All,
Im trying to configure Tm1 Operations Console. Initially the Opsconole link http://xxxx.XXXX.com:9511/pmhub/pm/opsconsole
was giving permission error for my userid. This was tackled as below
-Assigned <Myuserid> to Planning Rights Administrator in BI and assigned All Access in Permissions for Planning Rights Administrator in Set Properties....Earlier had only Execute Permission
-In Tm1 Architect SData --> connect to tm1app.XXXX.com
Cubes Right Click Security assignments -> select all Cubes and change permission for Planning Rights Administrators from write to Admin
Dimensions Right Click Security assignments -> select all Dimensions and change permission for Planning Rights Administrators from write to Admin
Followed Document
Configuring Cognos TM1 Operations Console to use Cognos security:
In pmhub/pm/admin
DefaultAdminHost xxxx.XXXX.com
Default Group CAMID(":Planning Rights Administrators")
Default Server SData
SingleSignon Set to True
pm.resource.security - resource security dictionary
CAMBUIRL http://xxxxbi.XXXX.com:9300/p2pd/servlet/dispatch
CAMGATEWAYURL http://xxxxweb.XXXX.com:80/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi
Now Im able to login and created TM1 Application server, Tm1 server icons for monitoring. However, it is not online. Verify admin access for Tm1 Server gives message "Incorrect Credentials Specified". Tried using hostname and IP Address also, but did not help.
Please confirm how to rectify this.
Thanks & Regards,