I want to make a report that displays the multiple names of people who have been assigned to just one work order. Sometimes just one person is assigned to just one work order, so I don't want empty rows to appear for null fields in those situations. The name's of the people fields and the work order field are in the same table.
Add the name field to a list report, then add a data item to the query with the expression of count (distinct [work_order] for Name). Then add a filter on this new data item where it equals 1. Set it to filter after aggregation. It should now return just the names of people who only have 1 work order assigned to them.
That's great! Thanks, it works, but it only works for one of my name fields. I have 3 name fields. When I try repeating your steps for the other fields nothing ends up showing up.
Is it possible that the other name fields don't have anyone with only 1 work order assigned?
Thanks, It wasn't that but I just had to pay attention to other details of setting up the fields.