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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Cognos Administration => Topic started by: Diaonic on 17 Oct 2018 09:29:05 AM

Title: Unable to backup entire content store
Post by: Diaonic on 17 Oct 2018 09:29:05 AM
Cognos 10.2.2 for reference

I'm having trouble getting an export of my entire content store. I've tried with and without user credentials. I've also run an internal consistency check which found items, and external consistency which found nothing.

My content store is telling me I need to restart it in order apply the find and fix from the consistency check. However, its telling me I could lose data, so I'm nervous about doing that without a full export.

What steps can I take to get a full export?
What steps can I take to protect myself from potential data loss here?

I need to move this content store to another fresh Cognos installation next week.

Here is the error I'm getting:
Title: Re: Unable to backup entire content store
Post by: MFGF on 18 Oct 2018 02:33:01 AM
Quote from: Diaonic on 17 Oct 2018 09:29:05 AM
Cognos 10.2.2 for reference

I'm having trouble getting an export of my entire content store. I've tried with and without user credentials. I've also run an internal consistency check which found items, and external consistency which found nothing.

My content store is telling me I need to restart it in order apply the find and fix from the consistency check. However, its telling me I could lose data, so I'm nervous about doing that without a full export.

What steps can I take to get a full export?
What steps can I take to protect myself from potential data loss here?

I need to move this content store to another fresh Cognos installation next week.

Here is the error I'm getting:


It looks to me like the deployment folder the archive gets written to (in the filesystem) isn't there, or your Cognos instance doesn't have permission to see it? Have you changed the default deployment location? Take a look in Cognos Configuration - the first entry in the Environment section details where the Deployment files location is. Has it been changed from the default (../deployment)? Does the folder it points to exist? Does the Cognos service account have access to see/write to this folder?


Title: Re: Unable to backup entire content store
Post by: Diaonic on 18 Oct 2018 08:53:38 AM

Thanks for the reply. So the deployment folder does exist inside of the Cognos folder:
F:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\c10_64\deployment

Inside cognos configuration I see this:

When I do an export and choose select folders, then manually select all of the reporting structure folders the export works fine and ends up inside of the deployment folder. When I try to do the entire content store, it fails and it fails with or without user accounts included.

Is there a better way to migrate this cognos instance, user info and reports to a fresh cognos 10.2.2 install? That's the goal here.

Title: Re: Unable to backup entire content store
Post by: sdf on 18 Oct 2018 12:23:33 PM
Is doing it via content store db not an option for you?
Create a backup of your content store db and restore it to a new db.
Create a fresh install of cognos and configure it to use the restored copy of your current content store db.
Title: Re: Unable to backup entire content store
Post by: Diaonic on 18 Oct 2018 12:55:41 PM
The installation was installed using the builtin database. Wasn't really a challenged I wanted to deal with right now, just trying to get the server migrated to new hardware.

Do you know of some instructions on how to do this with builtin db? If it was DB2 I could do it easily, but its using some other tech right?

Title: Re: Unable to backup entire content store
Post by: sdf on 18 Oct 2018 02:02:36 PM
So you have Apache Derby for Content Store. I believe that's the built in one.
I am not sure if there's a way to get a backup of that db and restore it to the new instance.
I believe the location is \\<CognosInstallDirectory>apacheDerby..

Title: Re: Unable to backup entire content store
Post by: Diaonic on 19 Oct 2018 08:16:13 AM
After doing the consistency checks and doing a full system reboot. I was able to grab a full content store export (1.5GB).

Thanks for the help everyone