Could anyone please provide any information on Cognos Access Manager? I see a lot of references to this application. In fact, it seems that this app allows you to manage your users and using a macro, extract the users.
I did a search on the cognos server for Access Manager and only found .msg files within \c8\bin. Is this a separate app that must be purchased/installed?
If Access Manager was not installed you'd not find any PDF manuals related to AM. Do you use AM?
Pokeda, pishi.
Access Manager is bundled with the Series 7 products, not Series 8. It's not a stand-alone image, but rather, contained inside the install media for other products (like PowerPlay Enterprise Server).
Hello user BobaGreek:
I could not find any PDF manuals related to Access Manager. I've personally never used it. It seems that we most likely do not have this piece installed.
Hello user BobaGreek:
I just realized (two years later ;-]), that you wrote the following at the end of your post:
"Pokeda, pishi"
For some reason, I didn't even notice that the 1st time. I guess by my username, you guessed that I speak Russian. Do you speak Russian too?
Yes, I do. ;D