Hello All,
I have got a requirement from my user that he wants to know the procedure to share the Analysis Studio report url listed in 'My Folders' to other users.
I tried o share the Url from report 'Set properties' -> Veiw the search path, ID and URL'. But its throwing error 'An unexpected error occurred'.
Is it possible to share the Url? If Yes, Please let me know the procedure. Thank you
put the analysis/report in a public location.
Quote from: GeethaKL on 15 Oct 2018 09:00:17 PM
Hello All,
I have got a requirement from my user that he wants to know the procedure to share the Analysis Studio report url listed in 'My Folders' to other users.
I tried o share the Url from report 'Set properties' -> Veiw the search path, ID and URL'. But its throwing error 'An unexpected error occurred'.
Is it possible to share the Url? If Yes, Please let me know the procedure. Thank you
"My Folders" is user specific location which can be accessible only to that user and Administrator. Other user can't access that user specific location.
You can copy those reports to "Public Folders" by creating folder in it and give permission to required user(s).
Hope this helps.
Thanks Sdf and Shirish Dawane.
I have informed the tech team that the user have to copy the reports from 'My Folders' and paste it in the Shard Content( a folder created in Public Folders). The other users can copy those reports and put it in his or her My Folders.
Now the teach team wanted to check whether I can create any cognos job so that Shared content folder reports can be deleted once in a day or a week.
Is it possible to CREATE A JOB in cognos portal under SHARED CONTENt FOLDER so as to schedule and delete the reports every 24 hours automatically? If yes, please let me know the procedure.
Else if there is any alternative, please let me know...
Thanks in advance
There's a Content Removal in the Content Maintenance Tasks in Cognos Administration console.
That might help you with this. Though, I have not tried this myself.
I believe there are documentations regarding this so better to read them first before doing anything.
Thank you for this.
I have tried to follow the procedure, whatever I read from the documentation and from the google.
I am able to create a Content Removal task under Configuration tab (Content Administration). In the procedure, I selected a folder from which I would like to get the reports deleted automatically. However I could not see any reports in that folder. So just selected the folder and applied schedule to run the task for every 1 day. the task ran successfully and got the message :
"CM-ADM-4024. For the search path/ shared report folder - objects were added to a workflow with following status. 0 successfully and 0 unsuccessfully".
And the reports didnt get deleted from shared reports folder.
Looks like I missed something important here
PLease advise me further
Quote from: GeethaKL on 02 Nov 2018 01:45:41 AM
Thank you for this.
I have tried to follow the procedure, whatever I read from the documentation and from the google.
I am able to create a Content Removal task under Configuration tab (Content Administration). In the procedure, I selected a folder from which I would like to get the reports deleted automatically. However I could not see any reports in that folder. So just selected the folder and applied schedule to run the task for every 1 day. the task ran successfully and got the message :
"CM-ADM-4024. For the search path/ shared report folder - objects were added to a workflow with following status. 0 successfully and 0 unsuccessfully".
And the reports didnt get deleted from shared reports folder.
Looks like I missed something important here
PLease advise me further
It looks to me like you're misunderstanding what a Content Removal task is designed to do. It won't ever delete actual reports. It is designed to remove Run History and /or Saved Report Output Versions from the content store from any reports it finds in the path you specify.
Thanks MFGF
Yeah I tried to understand the functionality of it.
Coming back to my actual question, Is there any way in cognos to get the Reports deleted automatically
or Should I develop a script in Sql Management Studio and insert a Trigger delete against a cognos content store database.
If possible can you please let me know the procedures either at cognos level or a SQL management Studio level?
Thank you
Quote from: GeethaKL on 07 Nov 2018 04:39:14 PM
Thanks MFGF
Yeah I tried to understand the functionality of it.
Coming back to my actual question, Is there any way in cognos to get the Reports deleted automatically
or Should I develop a script in Sql Management Studio and insert a Trigger delete against a cognos content store database.
If possible can you please let me know the procedures either at cognos level or a SQL management Studio level?
Thank you
There is nothing in the Cognos UI that automates deletion of reports. The best approach would be to use the SDK and a custom application to delete the content you need to remove.
I certainly wouldn't recommend you hacking the content store using SQL - that's a very dangerous approach.