I require help deciphering a Script that someone has written who is now not here.
When Impromtu opens and runs the .IMR I receive the below error:
QuoteError number -239:
DMS-E-GENERAL, A general exception has occurred during operation 'prepare request with options'.
DMS-E-SS_SYNTAX, A syntax error was detected near 'DATE'
I believe that this is something to with the dates that are being entered not being recognised (if I manually enter the information the file runs).
The dates are being obtained, via a CSV file, that the Script is then referencing via a "Input #MasterFileInput" (where I believe each data item is being labelled).
Impromtu seems to want the Dates as M/D/YYYY but the CSV has them as DD/MM/YYYY.
If I am right in the assumption above how do I go about altering the inputted date variable into the required format?
Any help on this is greatly appreciated