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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Upgrading to Cognos Analytics => Topic started by: highwingers on 11 Oct 2018 09:03:41 PM

Title: CQM to DQM embedded SQL Issue in COG 11
Post by: highwingers on 11 Oct 2018 09:03:41 PM
Hey all, I have a report that has one prompt and when I select a value from the prompt I am getting different value in COG 10 and COG 11.
Some details
1)Report has one query which is SQL
2)Has one parameter that is in the SQL as a macro
3)We have migrated from CQM to DQM

Any advice how to fix this ?
Title: Re: CQM to DQM embedded SQL Issue in COG 11
Post by: Blue on 22 May 2019 07:02:36 PM
My understanding is that DQM parses and interprets both SQL statement and macros differently from CQM. When I say differently, that is DQM is much more syntax sensitive than CQM.
In CQM you can get away with sloppy SQL syntax and be forgiven; DQM is a much harsher mistress/master.

Review you SQL syntax and macro usage. The problem may be as simple as a misused semi-colon or as complex as sub-query usage.