Hi, I created a report which contains two parameters(pGrupoAgente and pAgente)
I created a HTML item(report expression type) that displays the chosen values for both parameters where pGrupoAgente is required and pAgente is optional:
ParamDisplayValue('pGrupoAgente') + "/" + ParamDisplayValue('pAgente')
When both parameters are chosen, the HTML Item shows correctly both values; but when only "GrupoAgente" is chosen, the HMTL Item doesn't show anything.
I want to use some function such as ISNULL or ISEMPTY over ParamDisplayValue('pAgente') in order to show the value of pGrupoAgente when Agent is not chosen.
Any suggestions?
so you are asking a question and saying that you already know the answer ?
Hi cognostechie,
My question is if it's possible to apply a function similar to the SQL function ISNULL into a HTML item?
Create a Layout Calculation and insert something like this:
When ParamDisplayValue('pGrupoAgente') is null and ParamDisplayValue('pAgente') is not null
Then ParamDisplayValue('pAgente')
When ParamDisplayValue('pGrupoAgente') is not null and ParamDisplayValue('pAgente') is null
Then ParamDisplayValue('pGrupoAgente')
When ParamDisplayValue('pGrupoAgente') is null and ParamDisplayValue('pAgente') is null
Then ''
When ParamDisplayValue('pGrupoAgente') is not null and ParamDisplayValue('pAgente') is not null
Then ParamDisplayValue('pGrupoAgente') + '/' + ParamDisplayValue('pAgente')
Else ''
It perfectly works!
Thanks Cognostechie