I need help with the following scenario:
Data Source Tab – Subset
Dimension and "ALL" subset selected
Logic to create a temporary Subset, populated with
Elements that meet a certain business criteria.
I am outputting a ASCII text file to capture the elements selected.
I have all lines in METADATA , DATA and EPILOG commented out EXCEPT some debugging ASCII OUTPUT
In my Test data, I have ** CORRECTLY** populated the subset with 3 elements.
The ASCII output and the contents of the Subset are **CORRECT**
In the Metadata Tab (or should it be the data tab?? )
I want to DELETE the elements identified by being in this newly created Subset from the DIMENSION COMPLETELY.
I want to loop through the Elements in the Subset, then delete that element from the Dimension.
In this case, it would perform 3 deletes.
I cannot figure out how to use the Subset to control which elements from ALL get deleted.
I am confused if my DATA SOURCE should be the ALL or the Subset (using this code at the end of PROLOG)
#=== Set Data Source
DatasourceType = 'SUBSET';
DatasourceNameForServer = pDimension;
DatasourceDimensionSubset = pSubset ;
Eventually (after Debugging) , the EPILOG tab will destroy the Subset.
A few trial and errors results:
1> identified EVERY ELEMENT in the "ALL" set for deletion (wrote it to Text file)
2> Deleted ONE of the 3 elements, then attempted to delete the SAME element 2 more times (a total of 3 ) which led me to believe there was only an issue with advancing the element...
but my change got me back to <1>.
I got it finally!
at End of Prolog Tab :
#=== Set Data Source
DatasourceType = 'SUBSET';
DatasourceNameForServer = pDimension;
DatasourceDimensionSubset = pSubset ;
nSubsetSize = 1; <=====================
nSubsetSize = SubsetGetSize( pDimension, pSubset) ;
Simple Metadata Tab:
#=== Start
If ( nSubsetIndex <= nSubsetSize );
sElement = SubsetGetElementName( pDimension, pSubset , nSubsetIndex );
sMessage = 'Dimension: ' | pDimension | ' -- ' | sElement | ' > identified to Delete';
AsciiOutput( sDebugFile2, sMessage );
If( pOption@= 'Delete' );
DimensionElementDelete( pDimension, sElement );
Endif ;
nSubsetIndex = nSubsetIndex +1;
#== End Metadata