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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: fbroggi on 10 Jan 2008 10:27:07 AM

Title: Contributor Administrator Errror
Post by: fbroggi on 10 Jan 2008 10:27:07 AM
Here my problem:

After creating an application in Contributor and published that i run a synchronize job, but appear this error message:
[library name]: Code error in ACE call IModelEdit_SetNodeList. Error was: Error: out of memory: ClearCAInformation[9]"

Can someone help me in solving this problem?

Contributor version:8.2.43

Many thanks
Title: Re: Contributor Administrator Errror
Post by: ykud on 10 Jan 2008 10:36:07 AM
"This error is caused by complex hierarchies in the the Elist. Remove complex hierarchies from the EList. See Multiple Independent Hierarchies Example in Help for an example of complex hierarchies."
Title: Re: Contributor Administrator Errror
Post by: fbroggi on 11 Jan 2008 02:04:44 AM
Thank for reply, but the problem now is that my elist is flat, i don't think is so complex?
Here an example:
EListItemName   EListItemParentName   EListItemCaption   EListItemOrder   EListItemViewDepth   EListItemReviewDepth   EListItemIsPublished
ITEM1   ITEM1   ITEM1   1   1   1   YES
ITEM2   ITEM2   ITEM2   2   1   1   YES
ITEM3   ITEM3   ITEM3   3   1   1   YES

Have you got any kind of suggestion?

Many thank
Title: Re: Contributor Administrator Errror
Post by: SomeClown on 11 Jan 2008 06:21:25 AM

Do you have a KB number or doc reference for the quote?

This isn't the first time I've heard of this kind of error (something similar in 8.3) and I'm wondering if Cognos "fixed" something in the move to 8.2, especially in support of Contributor packages as data sources. 

Fede, based on your example, you have no top level parent node?  (one single elist item at the top level).  My suspicion is that 8.2/8.3 must have a top-level node in the hierarchy or the app won't process properly.  I think that requirement was looser in earlier versions.
Title: Re: Contributor Administrator Errror
Post by: ykud on 11 Jan 2008 06:47:31 AM
2 fbroggi

What are your application details (number of cubes, cells per elist)? Maybe you've overstepped the limits there.
Also note that elist dimension should be as high in hierarchy as possible, it'll decrease memory usage during sync (see contrib help for very good examples).

2 SomeClown


Multiple hierarchies worked fine prior to 8.3 in my experience. Even more, for calculation apps they were better, since required no aggregation of top elements and it worked significantly faster.