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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Reporting => Topic started by: cognos05 on 17 Sep 2018 09:27:03 PM

Title: Ranking in Cognos dimensional reporting
Post by: cognos05 on 17 Sep 2018 09:27:03 PM
Hi ,

I am trying to do a rank for below scenario and it partially works but unable to get the correct result .

Have two levels in rows from same dimension and product with different levels in columns and rank column nested below it .

Expected ouput , rank agency within Regions .

                               Product 60-4- 00   Product 60-4    Product 60
                                       RANK              Rank             Rank

Region1 Agency1               2                       1                  3
             Agency2               1                       2                   1
             Agency3               3                       3                   2

Region2 Agency4

Region3  Agency8
             Agency 9

I am using the below expression which works if all the products are from same level ,if the product has different levels as in column shown above it doesnot work .

rank([H0 Sales] for [Regions],currentMember[productHierarchy]).

I also tried

rank([H0Sales] within set (Regions]) - no result for rank all blank .

rank([H0Sales] within set([Agency]) - this works but gives the ranking for all agencies for all the regions .

Any help is appreciated to get the output as shown in the above table .