There is a process where a Document / invoice submitted goes through different queues in a workflow. So I have to display all the queues through which a document has gone through dynamically. There are many queues and all documents do not necessarily go through all the queues. Also, there are chances that a doc is returned to a previous queue for some review and that also has to be captured.
For e.g. say the docs move through the queues as below -
Doc 1 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Doc 2 Q1 Q2 Q4 Q5
Doc 3 Q1 Q3 Q5 Q6
Doc 4 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
So the report output should be as below -
Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Doc 1 x x x x Doc 2 x x x x Doc 3 x x x x Doc 4 x x x x x |
So here, all the column headers are dynamic and I need to show the exit date from each queue which I can manage. Is there a way to dynamically populate the columns based on the SQL query result? The SQL query result would be as below -
DocID Q_Name Q_Seq
Doc1 Q1 1
Doc1 Q2 2
Doc1 Q3 3
Doc1 Q4 4
Doc2 Q1 1
Doc2 Q2 2
Doc2 Q4 3
Doc2 Q5 4 |
Hope I have made my question clear. Please let me know if there is a way out. Thanks.
create a calculated column with value = 1
DocID Q_Name Q_Seq Val
Doc1 Q1 1 1
Doc1 Q2 2 1
Doc1 Q3 3 1
Doc1 Q4 4 1
This can be converted to a crosstab
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Doc 1 1 1 1 1
Hi khayman, thanks for the suggestion but I need to display dates when the doc exited each queue and hence I cannot use the cross tab report.
? sorry. can you show how your report should look like including the exit dates you need to display?
Doc 4 went through queue 1, then queue 2, then back to queue 1.
Also you more than simply the sequence, you want to show dates.
Maybe a Gannt chart would be more helpful for the reader. A list of date strings in a crosstab or list can be difficult to relate to each other.
Doc3 Queue1 xxxx
Queue3 xxxx
Queue5 xxxxxxxx
Queue6 xx
Doc4 Queue1 xxxxxxxx xxxx
Queue2 xxx xx
Queue3 x
Queue4 xxx
In any case, you have two challenges:
- Craft the query to return the data in a format that is useful to feed the presentation. This may be difficult within Cognos. You may need to write raw SQL.
- Design the presentation. There is a Gannt chart in the set of Legacy visualizations. It's not the most straightforward to use. You can also use JavaScript to embed a d3 vis of your own design.
When you get the presentation you want, please post a picture of the output and any relevant details to the solution back to this forum thread. I'd love to see it.
i still don't see any dates
I tried to display a graphical Gannt chart as text. The timeline would be across the top.
My bad: I didn't notice this is the Cognos 8 forum. I doubt there is a Gannt vis for that version.