Attached Excel file shows List Report w/ a Repeater Trying to format below as it appears in attached Excel file.
Formatting below looks OK before saving as Topic, but LIKELY to lose decent formatting. Please refer to attached Excel file.
Simplified Report
ID Date Repeater Question Answer Calc1 = "Type" Calc2 = "RQ" Calc3 = "Alarm" Calc4 = "H2S"
132 Jun 27, 2018 Alarm ; H2S ; RQ ; Type ; Type H2S HighTemp Alarm H2S HighTemp Alarm
132 Jun 27, 2018 Alarm ; H2S ; RQ ; Type ; RQ No No
132 Jun 27, 2018 Alarm ; H2S ; RQ ; Type ; Alarm Yes Yes
132 Jun 27, 2018 Alarm ; H2S ; RQ ; Type ; H2S No No
Would like to Use Repeater above to "consolidate" four(4) into one Row (shown below)
Calc1, Calc2, Calc3, and Calc4 above would look for "Contains" in the Repeater Column then populate based on the Answer.
After the four(4) Calcs are completed, the Columns C, D & E could be set as "List Column" Render as "No".
Needed Report
ID Date Repeater Question Answer Calc1 = "Type" Calc2 = "RQ" Calc3 = "Alarm" Calc4 = "H2S"
132 Jun 27, 2018 H2S HighTemp Alarm No Yes No
--- Columns Rendered as No ---
Plaease let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Bob
Just saw this reference which I will study ...
How to combine rows in a list report into a single row that is comma separated
Whether the above link works, or someone has a solution to the hoped for "Transposed" Excel attachment
in the first Post in this thread, achieving that as a successful result will help write better Reports.
TIA, Bob
We have developed the needed result utilizing Group Footers (Group Header can also be utilized).
The Data Items EnvType, RQ, Alarm, and H2S utilize a "Maximum" Summary as there is only
one maximum entry for EnvType, RQ, Alarm, and H2S in the 4 maximum rows for each ID.
If anyone can suggest a way to "Transpose" (in the 1st Post in this thread), we are listening.
TIA, Bob
1. create 3 queries. Qa = columns A to G, Qb = columns A to F + H, Qb = colums A to F + I
join the 3 queries on ID
2. let us say this list is Query1. create Query2 with source as Query1. Take ID, Date Calc1 to Calc4
set Calc1 to Calc4 to maximum summary. This will be just like your 3rd post about creating a footer
Thank you khayman.
Always good to learn of at least 2, or more, ways to find a solution.