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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS 8 Administration => Topic started by: Gershon_V on 10 Jan 2008 02:57:18 AM

Title: Setting up Cognos Audit on Oracle 10g database
Post by: Gershon_V on 10 Jan 2008 02:57:18 AM
Hi. I'm trying to setup an audit database on Oracle 10g.
I've run the Oracle script to create all the tables and have created the connection in Cognos Configuration but AUDIT fails when I start the Cognos services in Cognos Configuration.
What am I doing wrong?
Title: Re: Setting up Cognos Audit on Oracle 10g database
Post by: CognosPolzovatel on 10 Jan 2008 08:06:03 AM
Hello Gershon_v:

Since I myself am currently experimenting with the Audit package, thought I'd try to assist you. Although my audit database was setup on MS SQL Server.
You write that "Audit fails when I start the Cognos services in Cognos Configuration." What is the exact error message that you see? If understood correctly, it appears that the actual service fails for you (after a re-start)? Did you test your connection in Cognos Configuration (to the audit DB). Does the connection test succeed?
Title: Re: Setting up Cognos Audit on Oracle 10g database
Post by: Gershon_V on 11 Jan 2008 12:48:54 AM

Yes, I have tested the connection in Cognos Connection and it is fine.
When I try to start the services in Cognos Connection, the AUDIT service fails.

I've brought the datasource into Cognos Connection and it does so fine.
I've opened the database in Oracle SQL Developer and I can see all the tables.

I am totally stumped!

Please help!
Title: Re: Setting up Cognos Audit on Oracle 10g database
Post by: CognosPolzovatel on 11 Jan 2008 07:16:07 AM
Hello Gershon_v:

What version of Cognos do you have and what version of the Audit package?
I have learned that the versions can be found in the cmpls.txt file, located on the Cognos directory (server).
According to a user who posted on ITtoolbox:
"There is an issue with the Auditing in 8.3 that can be resolved by correcting the datasource property in Framework and re-publishing... just remove the reference for the Catalog."

Hence, check if perhaps you have version 8.3 for Auditing?
Title: Re: Setting up Cognos Audit on Oracle 10g database
Post by: Gershon_V on 11 Jan 2008 07:25:26 AM
We're using Cognos 8.2 and we're trying to figure out how to turn logging on on the database. Thanks!
Title: Re: Setting up Cognos Audit on Oracle 10g database
Post by: CognosPolzovatel on 11 Jan 2008 07:58:00 AM
Is logging to the file (logs/cogserver.log) still occurring? Inside Cognos Configuration, you can right click on File or your DB and click on "Reset to Default." You can also right click on your DB (under Cognos Configuration > Environment > Logging > YourDB) and choose "Test." This test should return as successful. Since your DB has populated successfully, the problem, however, seems to be on a higher level. I'm trying to understand your issue: how the Audit service fails? Can you get at any details on the error(s) that the service is generating?
Title: Re: Setting up Cognos Audit on Oracle 10g database
Post by: CognosPolzovatel on 11 Jan 2008 10:05:01 AM
Just an FYI in case you run into this problem (with Auditing on Cognos 8.2):

There is a reported issue on the Cognos support site (Document # 1035610.1):
" for Audit Logging doesn't compile for Cognos 8.2 without SDK"

If you search the cognos support site for this doc # - the solution is to appropriately modify the build.bat file within c8\webapps\Audit
Title: Re: Setting up Cognos Audit on Oracle 10g database
Post by: CognosPolzovatel on 11 Jan 2008 10:09:22 AM
"We're using Cognos 8.2 and we're trying to figure out how to turn logging on on the database."
Is your audit database a separate database from the cognos content store database? If not - it needs to be a separate DB.
Title: Re: Setting up Cognos Audit on Oracle 10g database
Post by: CognosPolzovatel on 11 Jan 2008 10:13:48 AM
One more thing Gershon_v:

Make sure that your Oracle database has the following permissions set:

a) connect to the database

b) create, alter, and drop tables

c) create, alter and drop triggers

d) create, alter and drop views

e) create, alter and drop procedures

f) create, alter and drop sequences
Title: Re: Setting up Cognos Audit on Oracle 10g database
Post by: Gershon_V on 18 Jan 2008 04:07:47 AM
I give up. we double checked the permissions and the db user has all the correct permissions.  I'm totally stumped! We even gave the audit db user select access to the content store. Please help if you have any more suggestions. I'm desperate now...

Title: Re: Setting up Cognos Audit on Oracle 10g database
Post by: Gershon_V on 18 Jan 2008 04:27:44 AM
Guys, I'm so happy! I just cleared the Oracle Audit database of all the tables and emptied the recycle bin. I had created these manually initially by running the sql script. I then went into Cognos Configuration and restarted services. It was successful! It recreated all the tables and has started making entries into them. I've already run the sample reports and they're showing data. Thank you everybody who assisted me with this! I really appreciate it!!!!