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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Reporting => Topic started by: oscarca on 06 Sep 2018 08:52:52 AM

Title: Drill-through to two different queries
Post by: oscarca on 06 Sep 2018 08:52:52 AM
Hello Cognos Community,

I have two different crosstabs, one that is displaying whatever months you choose in the prompt and the other one showing R12 (cumulative). Then I have a target report that are displaying more details. Instead of creating two target reports (one for Selected months & one for R12), I was thinking that I could just create two queries and two lists since R12 is not a parameter, it is a filter. Then create a style variable either showing or hiding one of the two lists (Selected months list or R12 list). The question is then how can make the target report hiding or showing lists based on what I drill on, in the main report. With the selected months it is easy since it passes a parameter but R12 is a total of all recent 12 months based on a filter.

Prompt page has a radiobutton prompt called "Date perspective" where you can either select "Selected month" or "R12"
if you choose "Selected month" it will render:

Selected month crosstab in main report:
Delivery                           Jan 17                  Feb 17                   Mars 17   .........
Amount of orders              5                   3                    2

if you choose R12 it will render:

R12 crosstab in mainreport:
Delivery                          Cumulative R12
Amount of orders                    26

So basically I want to render the target report lists based on what perspective I choose to drill on in the main report
Title: Re: Drill-through to two different queries
Post by: Francis aka khayman on 06 Sep 2018 12:44:43 PM
long shot.... add a column in your list with value R12. drill to that column
Title: Re: Drill-through to two different queries
Post by: oscarca on 07 Sep 2018 02:51:46 AM
The lists should look the same just that one of the queries has the R12 filter in the detailed filters. So when you choose to drill on R12 in the main report it will render the query that has the R12 filter in the detailed target report
Title: Re: Drill-through to two different queries
Post by: oscarca on 07 Sep 2018 04:41:56 AM
*Solved it*
By creating a render variable in the target report looking like this:
ParamDisplayValue('pDateView') = 'Ack R12'
'Ack R12'
ParamDisplayValue('pDateView') = 'Ack YTD'
'Ack YTD'

And creating a data item containing a string 'Ack R12' then in the detailed filters [Ack R12] = ?pDateView?