- The IBM Cognos Community

Planning & Consolidation => TM1 => Topic started by: donap on 31 Aug 2018 12:13:44 PM

Title: TM1 process to clean up Clients
Post by: donap on 31 Aug 2018 12:13:44 PM
Hi  -
We are trying to develop  Year end clean up process.
We put together the following code -- works GREAT when I run it as ADMIN in a test evnironment.
The user who will running it at Year End in the  PROD environment is a DATA ADMIN in that environment --
if he runs it with the DELETE option (parm) turned on - it just hangs and never ends and never logs any reason why --
My guess is that Data Admin cannot delete users ??  AS this would be more of a Security Admin function ? 
Am I correct ?

# *********************************************************************************************************************
# Look for all users who are NOT in any of the ADMIN groups 
# ********************************************************************************************************************
If (  (vGroupAdmin @<>  'ADMIN' )  & (vGroupData @<> 'DataAdmin' )   &    (vGroupSecurity @<> 'SecurityAdmin' )      ); 
     # == Get Alias for Client and write info to  .csv file  for proofing/trace of Users to be deleted   =======
     vAlias = ATTRS( '}Clients', vUser, '}TM1_DefaultDisplayValue');
     asciioutput( sListfilename ,vUser,vAlias ) ;

     If ( pOption @='Delete')  ;
            # == Delete Client/User from Control Cube  =======
