Dear All:
We are trying to develop few Dashboards for Biz to explore their Sales digits. I have created few Dashboards based on excel files and presented them to Biz and Users came up with original requirements.
I have framed queries to align their requirements. Please advise me what would be the best way to create data source to Dashboards..Like can I create a direct DS against my database ,Please share your inputs.Thank you!.
What is the meaning of 'framed queries to align their requirements' ? If you have already made queries then you already have the data source created. To answer your question - yes, Cognos allows to create a 'direct DS against your database' provided your database is a supported database.
Thanks for your revert.What I mean is how could I convert those queries as Data source and is there any possibility I could insert parameters?
You are still being very vague. How did you create the queries? In Cognos or by writing SQL in the database editor?
In Cognos terminology, a Data Source is an object which only defines a connection to the DB. Queries cannot be converted to data source in Cognos and that has nothing to do with building a Dashboard because one is not a replacement of the other. BOTH are required for a Dashboard to run. Parameters are possible but they should be created at the Dashboard level. Technically, it is also possible to create parameters at the modelling level but that's probably not advisable for your requirement.
Sorry for indefinite details. My question is can we create Data source connection at Cognos portal level and use it as a Data source/can we write Free hand SQLs/Package is recommended?
Why I am posing these question that our Users dont want promotions from envs and need to do them self at Cognos portal level
Quote from: raveesh on 29 Aug 2018 02:57:11 PM
Sorry for indefinite details. My question is can we create Data source connection at Cognos portal level and use it as a Data source/can we write Free hand SQLs/Package is recommended?
Why I am posing these question that our Users dont want promotions from envs and need to do them self at Cognos portal level
Before we get into this, have you stopped to consider the awful, awful mess some users could create if you give them the unfettered ability to code SQL? Often business users will not have the relevant skills to understand how to do this properly or efficiently, and will create Frankenstein's Monster which pulls in the world's supply of data just so they can use a single item. It will run horribly slowly and they will blame the tool, telling everyone how bad Cognos is as a reporting tool. Worse, the result they are using will be incorrect anyway because they didn't consider all the required joins and predicates when gleefully and cluelessly cobbling together this monstrosity. Is this really what the business wants? Really?
Ok, now that's out of the way, and assuming you really do want to give some users the ability to create data source connections and do some data blending, the direction to look in is to investigate data modules. This is a "light" modelling environment via a browser, and it delivers the ability to bring in and connect data from uploaded files, database tables, existing reporting packages, other data modules etc. Currently it doesn't support the ability to code SQL directly, although you can bring in multiple tables and define relationships between them using the UI.
Users also have the ability to define Data Server connections, which are the underlying JDBC links to databases. This assumes that the relevant JDBC drivers have already been installed on the Cognos server, and it also assumes they know how to construct a working JDBC connect string and log into the relevant database. The Analytics User license does permit them to do this, though, so you could make this capability available to them.
My motto for today: gleefully and cluelessly
;D ;D
Quote from: Lynn on 30 Aug 2018 03:11:57 AM
My motto for today: gleefully and cluelessly
;D ;D
Yep. Pretty much sums up my daily approach to work. Full of optimism and hardly ever correct :)
Wherever you're working today, we should team up and have a combined "gleeful and clueless" day :)
sounds like a great plan 8)
Thank you MF for your appreciated advices. We have not given the ability to Users to code the SQL themselves. We are just collecting all the prospects that how we could move forward.I completely agree that giving Data source connection creation to users is not a decent idea.
Apparat from this, how we could relate Cognos Dashboards with Tableau. Seems both are have some comparable features? .Please advise .Thank you!.
Quote from: raveesh on 30 Aug 2018 10:40:35 AM
Thank you MF for your appreciated advices. We have not given the ability to Users to code the SQL themselves. We are just collecting all the prospects that how we could move forward.I completely agree that giving Data source connection creation to users is not a decent idea.
Apparat from this, how we could relate Cognos Dashboards with Tableau. Seems both are have some comparable features? .Please advise .Thank you!.
There is an interesting discussion going on here (,34776.0.html) concerning Tableau and Cognos Analytics.