is it possible to see or check anywhere when a content manager became active?
in a failover scenario, I want to check the time when standby content manager switched to becoming active.
Or time when primary content manger failed.
The process which you have for switching Content Store from one to another (in case of a failover) will have that time.
hi! thanks for your reply.
But I am not quite sure what process you are pertaining to.
Exactly what I'm looking for is a log where it tells me the time cognos switched content manager.
Hi sdf -
The location of log file can be found in Cognos configuration. The process means how exactly is the failover supposed to work. Is it supposed to use another Content Manager to connect to the same Content Store or start another instance of Cognos with another Content Store.
it is to switch to the standby content manager that is configured with the same content store.
There is only one Content Store. The Content Store is the repository database of Cognos. Content Manager is the service within the Cognos application that handles communication with this central repository. Of these there is only one active. For failover reasons you can install multiple Content Managers. When the active Content Manager stops working, another one takes over. This one will still connect to the one Content Store. If you have an issue with your Content Store database, then all Cognos is down.
thus my initial question..
Where can I see\check when the primary CM went down and switched to the standby CM?
I don't really know the answer but I know that Cognos extended audit captures a ton of information on the content store. The Content store might be having a table which captures the time of shifting the Content Manager. Have you tried installing the extended audit? There are two audits, one is basic and the other one is extended.
I guess so, but the problem is we cannot just lookup the content store for many reasons.
Now, with the extended audit, this is something I am not aware of.
I'll look it up.
Thanks for your reply!