Quote from: GoKartMozart on 09 Aug 2018 02:33:49 AM
I need to increase the number items shown in a data tree. It is currently set to the default of 50 but was higher than this before the upgrade to C11.
I've followed the steps here http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21340397 which the comments suggest would work with Cognos 11 but I can't find the option. I'm clicking on the three dots that appear when hovering over package and the choosing 'Properties' and then 'Advanced'.
Could anyone point me to where I can change this setting? Or is it something that is currently only available in the legacy Cognos Connection viewer (which we don't have enabled at the moment).
Firstly, a caveat - I'm using 11.0.12 not 11.0.6. In my case, I can find the package in the portal, use the ellipsis (3 dots) and choose Properties, and on the General tab click on "Advanced" to expand it. I see an option at the bottom called "Package configuration" and I can use the Edit link beside it to edit the package configuration and choose the number of items to display in the data tree.