I am getting below error when i am trying to run the report in background.I am using java script in my report and have already set the interactive property to none.Can anyone share his/her experience on this?
HTML report output is not well formed. If your report uses "HTML Item" elements ensure that they result in well-formed HTML.
Reason:EntityRef: expecting ';'
This page contains the following errors:error on line 443 at column 193: EntityRef: expecting ';'
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.
Thanks in advance
have you checked the line 443 referred in the error.
It states that it is missing ";".
Is your JavaScript written in HTML objects in the report?
Does the report run when you run it directly from Report Studio (I still call it Report Studio)?
Hi Robl,
Yes my java code is written in HTML objects in report and its working fine from report studio. Below error which i mention is coming when i am trying to run the report in background.This error is similar to the error which we used to get if we try to run any report with java script and interactivity property set to yes.
what version of CA do you have?
We have cognos version 11.0.10
I'm not a Java script person, but I thought it runs in a browser and not on the server so it is inherently meant to be for interactive use.
Maybe you could post your code and describe what you are trying to achieve to get suggestions?
Hi Lynn,
Thanks for your time. I didn't see any issue in java code since report is working fine in cognos 11 once we set interactivity property to none. I am getting below error only when i am trying to run report in background.
Quote from: sunny bachan prasad on 01 Aug 2018 05:14:54 AM
Hi Lynn,
Thanks for your time. I didn't see any issue in java code since report is working fine in cognos 11 once we set interactivity property to none. I am getting below error only when i am trying to run report in background.
What I am trying to say is that Java script is run in the browser. When you run a report in the background it is executed by the batch reporting service and therefore does not involve a browser.
If you describe what you are trying to achieve you might get suggestions on a non-Java script approach.