I have a DMR built, that contains a Count measure and an Attribute 2 that is part of the Dimension (role = no role, at the lowest unique level of dimension).
I need to display a pie chart with the Count measure and this attribute.
Count measure = Count of Fact ID. FM Property = Regular aggregate = Count.
Attribute 1 = This is an attribute that exists in the dimension (from database). Existing values = 0/1. Thus, for each Dimension ID, you will either see a value of 0 or 1 row-wise.
Attribute 2 = Calculated attribute that reference Attribute 1. Case when Attribute 1 = 0, then String 1 Else String 2.
When the pie chart is created using the relational model, the data works as needed. When I tested the query items in FM and applied Auto Sum, it shows the grouping by Attribute 2 values.
Lets say, count of Fact ID = 5. Thus, when I add the Attribute 2 to a pie chart, then the following is displayed.
Attribute 2 String 1 -- Count measure # (count = 3)
Attribute 2 String 2 -- Count measure # (count = 2)
The data displays values as needed. You can see the total count = 5 (3 + 2)
Now, these measures and attributes were referenced in the DMR model.
Count measure was bought as is in the measure dimension.
Attribute 2 was referenced as part of the Dimension (with no role).
When the pie chart is created using the DMR model, the data displays all 1s. It does not summarize by the Attribute 2 values - STRING 1 and STRING 2. The FM test also displays all 1s (basically repeats the attribute values for each measure that is 1). The Auto Sum property also does not work.
The data displays as:
Attribute 2 Value 1 -- Count measure # (count = 1)
Attribute 2 Value 1 -- Count measure # (count = 1)
Attribute 2 Value 1 -- Count measure # (count = 1)
Attribute 2 Value 2 -- Count measure # (count = 1)
Attribute 2 Value 2 -- Count measure # (count = 1)
I tried changing the regular aggregate property to Sum, COunt, etc; however it does not work.
Any insight will greatly help.
trying to change solve order to 2 works okwith me most of the time I'm working with totals for crosstabs and charts.
sdf - thanks for your reply.
I am creating the pie chart in cognos dashboard (R11). There is no way to change the solve order in a dashboard.