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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Reporting => Topic started by: anandcognos on 20 Jul 2018 10:48:40 AM

Title: freezing column headings is shrinking crosstab
Post by: anandcognos on 20 Jul 2018 10:48:40 AM
Dear all,

When I try to freeze column heading of crosstab, by right clicking it, crosstab shrinks and shows only column headings and one row. We are on cognos analytics 11 and same problem occurs in 10.2 also. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
Title: Re: freezing column headings is shrinking crosstab
Post by: anandcognos on 20 Jul 2018 02:50:04 PM
please help.
Title: Re: freezing column headings is shrinking crosstab
Post by: sdf on 20 Jul 2018 03:41:12 PM
I had a similar issue before, just not that sure we are having the same.
We may need more details on your current situation. Screenshot perhaps??

Anyway, what I did before was place a crosstab in a container (table) then set the crosstab's width to 100%
Title: Re: freezing column headings is shrinking crosstab
Post by: anandcognos on 20 Jul 2018 05:55:45 PM
Thanks. I put crosstab inside table of 1 column 1 row and set width of crosstab as 100% , but still it
was shrinked. I tried by putting height of crosstab also as 100% , did not work. My crosstab is inside
block and height of block is 15 cms and option selected as 'show scrollbar only when necessary'. 'Number of rows' property of crosstab is set as 20000, so that all rows cime at one go. So, why crosstab is shrinked and show only 2 rows, when user right click column and select freeze column headings. I will appreciate any help. Thanks.
Title: Re: freezing column headings is shrinking crosstab
Post by: anandcognos on 24 Jul 2018 02:08:22 PM
Hi all,

When I place only crosstab in page and use in built feature of cognos to freeze column headers, it works fine and crosstab utilizes whole page. If I place crosstab in first cell of table and block of size say 1000 px in second cell of table , table is of 1 row and two columns, and try to use feature of freeze column headings, crosstab shrinks to 2-3 rows only :-(.. I am struggling with this issue since last week. Please help gurus. I think this person experienced similar problem.
I am attaching screenshot also.