I am looking to change the Welcome Text in the contributor web site. I want to change the text that says: "Welcome - Cognos Planning Driving effective performance planning." I have looked at every html and xml page in webcontent and cannot find where to change this text. I have been able to change the icon and text in the upper left corner but not this. It seems that it would be done in planning20.htm but that isn't the case.
Has anyone done this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
It is in the planning40.asp
Look for the line that says something like:
s+= 'td class = "WelcomeText" align..........
I finally figured it out but thank you for your response.
You can't change the welcome text in the Planning40 page, site won't work if you try. Planning40.asp controls the application selection screen.
You can change the welcome - cognos planning part on the application selection screen by editing the systems.xml file. But for the page where you have your elist nodes, you must use translations to change the text.
Thank you again.