How does the implementation works?
If I added a server using the extend installation, does this automatically inherit the configurations we have from the original installation?
Hi there, by "added a server", do you mean a net-new installation (dispatcher(?)), or are you upgrading an existing server?
If it's net-new, you will have to configure that install, or use the config from one of your other servers as a base.
I was just wondering the purpose of the expand feature in the installation.
Seems like it is for systems witch are installed using the Ready to Run! feature.
So if you deicide to add servers to that existing installation you'll use the expand feature. Here I thought it will then get what ever configuration you have from your initial setup. But looks like it is just any other installation where you need to manually configure the additional servers.
The process would be the same if you had a custom installation and decided to add servers. You will configure them manually.
This is how I understood it.
Quoteuse the config from one of your other servers as a base
does this mean you can just copy the config file from the initial install and there is no need for any other configuration?