What would be the effect if in upgrading to CA 11 from COG10 you change the authentication setup/provider? Would you be able to do an export/import deployment?
I was wondering the effects since the full content deployment would depend on the authentication that was previously setup.
sure, you can always import / export your content store via deployment. Of course if your new environment has no access to the old authentication provider then your security concept has to be revised.
what if we setup a different authentication provider e.g via CJAP.
But recreate the same namespace as what we have in 10, would this work?
Quote from: sdf on 17 Jul 2018 07:59:44 AM
what if we setup a different authentication provider e.g via CJAP.
But recreate the same namespace as what we have in 10, would this work?
What do you mean by "work"? If you mean is it possible to get a CJAP authentication provider to authenticate your users, then yes, certainly. However, the internal CAMIDs would all be different, so none of the security rules or My Folders content would be valid for the new set of users - you'd need to set up the security from scratch again.
Our forum hosts BSP offer a solution for this - https://www.bspsoftware.com/products/metamanager/smss/