I have a problem that Im wondering if anybody else has had the pleasure of coming across. I am unable to close FM without it going into hourglass mode with no return. I can duplicate this problem without opening any packages. I simply open FM and them immediately try to close it. I also get this problem when I try to publish a package. As soon as it is done verifying any errors, it will hourglass and never publish my package. Is there some file locks I should be looking for? Permissions issue somewhere thats trying to access a certain file? I'm stumped.
I have tried to reinstall cognos8 and I am still having these problems.
I have switched repositories dev/prod and I am still having these problems.
Im running on windows xp with plenty of RAM and processor power. I had my coworker publish the package with no problem, so I know it has to be a hardware/software error on my machine. I just dont know where to start looking.