Please see attached. I need to show a range of values based on specific dates for the chart. So basically the ranges showing
as 1-10, 11-20, etc are ranges that are based on the total days certain activities occurred. So if the activity occurred 2 days, I need
to show it as a part of the 1-10 days bar.
I'm thinking a Case Statement so something like this,
when day_duration > 1 and <= 10 then '1-10'
when day duration > 11 and <= 20 then '11-20'
and then just drop the Data Item for the X-AXIS value.
Let me know please if you have any suggestions.
Thanks a lot
Quote from: HelloCognos on 12 Jul 2018 06:51:13 AM
Please see attached. I need to show a range of values based on specific dates for the chart. So basically the ranges showing
as 1-10, 11-20, etc are ranges that are based on the total days certain activities occurred. So if the activity occurred 2 days, I need
to show it as a part of the 1-10 days bar.
I'm thinking a Case Statement so something like this,
when day_duration > 1 and <= 10 then '1-10'
when day duration > 11 and <= 20 then '11-20'
and then just drop the Data Item for the X-AXIS value.
Let me know please if you have any suggestions.
Thanks a lot
I think you are on the right track. A case statement must always have each possible outcome resolve to the same data type. Each of your "then" clauses are character strings so the "else" must also be a string such as '300+'.
You will also need a count metric of some sort. The item that determines the categories will go on the x-axis as you mentioned, but you'll need a measure. If your data source already has a count metric then that would seem to be the right thing to use.
You might also want to create another data item to use as a sort key. If the categories you create do not sort alphabetically in a logical way then a separate sort key data item can solve this. It would be the same expression as your case statement except the "then" clause would simply be a number to control the sorting.
Hope this helps.
Thank you Lynn as always. yeap! I have the Measure and of course, the sort key sounds great as well to sort correctly. :)