I exported the visualizations we used in C10 and imported them to C11, no problems, I see them in the library. The reports see them and can render them. However, when I go to add a new visualization I don't see any of the ones I added, only the generic ones from Cognos.
Did IBM ever report they [visualizations] don't behave the same way between the versions? Anyone else have issues?
There's a filter on the upper left. Click that and select Legacy Visualizations to see the RAVE 1 graphs.
Quote from: CognosPaul on 06 Jul 2018 10:09:15 AM
There's a filter on the upper left. Click that and select Legacy Visualizations to see the RAVE 1 graphs.
When Paul says the upper left, what I think he really means is the upper right (ie the "other left") :)
These are the options you will see:
As Paul suggests, pick Legacy Visualizations for your RAVE1 library, plus you can pick Charts for the old AVS charts.
It's also worth mentioning that the options menu lets you use the legacy legacy legacy charts from Cognos 8.
Thank you both!! I knew I could count on you!