Quote from: jliener5 on 06 Jul 2018 09:08:19 AM
Hoping I can get some help - I am a very basic user and not very technical so hope I explain myself correctly.
I am having issues in report module when I have created a cross tab report. I was playing around with some preferences and options a couple of weeks and ever since it doesn't allow me to do something which I will explain below.
I create a report where I select multiple members and drag & drop into the columns section of the crosstab. Then I use to be able to select multiple measures and drag & drop on top of the all the members, you use to see a black flashing line across all. Now the black line with only highlight on top of one measure then you have to manually drag the other members under each member so takes much longer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I know it can do it so very frustrating!!
Thanking you in advance :D
It sounds to me like you have switched from inserting a set of members to inserting individual members by default. To change back, do the following:
1. Select the Data button on the navigation pane (1 in the image below) and make sure you are on the Source tab
2. Click on the Options cog (2 in the image below)
3. Change the Insert choice from "Individual members" to "Create sets" (3 in the image below)