We have a Column calculation of 'Show_Contributing Factor' ...
When ([IIMS - Business Layer].[Contributing Factor].[Contributing Factor] <> '')Then [Contributing Factor]
'No Entry'
This populates a text entry in a Coulumn in all rows in a List.
We are utilizing a Combination Chart where the 2nd Y-axis is a Percentage of the defined
'Contributing Factor' divided by the Count (Show_Contributing_Factor).
Writing a query calculation of ...
Count ([Show_Contributing_Factor] For [Incident Location])
SHOULD Count, in our example, 9 ... but it counts 11.
Have tried various Detail and Summary Aggregation entries,
but always get 11 or 22.
Utilizing the "Sigma" (Totals) of a Column, and selecting Count
results in a Summary Row of ...
Count(Show_Contributing_Factor) ... w/ the CORRECT value of 9.
The Properties for that correct Cell Value of 9, under "Data Item" are ...
Type = List summary
Name = Count(Show_Contributing_Factor)
Summary data item = Show_Contributing_Factor
Summary = Count
How can we quantify ...
Count(Show_Contributing_Factor) ... w/ the CORRECT value of 9
to use as a denominator in the Percentage calculations for each
Contributing Factor?
TIA, Bob
You can use count(distinct [show_contributingFactor]) which only counts the distinct values ignoring any repetitions.
Sent from my ZUK Z2132 using Tapatalk
What about 2 or more entries for a 'Contributing Factor'?
That DOES, in this example, result in "4", which is the number
of different Contributing Factor descriptions.
It appears that a Repeater in the List is adding "2" to the anticipated "9" to result in 11.
We have a Query Calculation that, on one row, is displaying "3" where it should be a "1".
Will examine why the Query Calculation might be doing that.
Trying several things, which are NOT working.
IF there is a reliable way to accomplish this (from my 1st Post in this Topic) ... The Repeater appears to be confusing Counts, but BELOW results in the Value needed for the denominator in the Percentage calculation.
Utilizing the "Sigma" (Totals) of a Column, and selecting Count
results in a Summary Row of ...
Count(Show_Contributing_Factor) ... w/ the CORRECT value of 9.
The Properties for that correct Cell Value of 9, under "Data Item" are ...
Type = List summary
Name = Count(Show_Contributing_Factor)
Summary data item = Show_Contributing_Factor
Summary = Count
How can we quantify ...
Count(Show_Contributing_Factor) ... w/ the CORRECT value of 9
to use as a denominator in the Percentage calculations for each
Contributing Factor?
TIA, Bob
Example ...
Incident Location ID
Lexington AAA
Lexington BBB
Lexington CCC
Lexington DDD
Lexington AAA
Lexington EEE
Lexington AAA
Lexington FFF
Lexington GGG
A Query Calculation of ...
Count ([ID] For [Incident Location])
... results in 7, because there are 7 distinct ID entries.
What we need is a result of 9, as the 9 will be the denominator
to calculate percentages for the 2nd-axis in a Combination Chart.
There would be counts of ...
AAA = 3
BBB = 1
CCC = 1
DDD = 1
EEE = 1
FFF = 1
GGG = 1
Is there a Query Calculation utilizing [ID] and [Incident Location]
to result in 9?
TIA, Bob