I have to get the maximum date between two different data elements so I can use the data item in a list. May be using a Case Statement of if and else.
Unique ID Condition 1 Date 1 Date 2 Date 3 (Data item)
111 ABC 01/01/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017
112 HGH 02/02/2018 03/03/2017 03/03/2017
If Date 2 is bigger than date 1, take date 2 values. If Date 1 is bigger than Date 2, take Date 1
So the Date 3 as the Data Item will include the latest date for ABC and HIGH conditions.
Here is what I'm trying to do but getting error: when type of Bill is paper, get the max between the dates for Paper and Electronics.
when [Type Of Bill] in ('Paper') and [Settled Date] >= '2015-04-17' then
maximum ([Settled Date] for [Type Of Bill] in ('Paper','Electronics')
[Settled Date]
Thanks a lot@ :) :)