Hello everyone,
I'm new to Data Manager, but I have been so lucky to be part of an project, where Data Manager is going to be used as the preferred ETL tool.
So I have started to setup the environments, that are needed to have a proper software development life cycle.
So I'm going to have a Developer Environment, Test Environment and a Production environment.
I have put up VSS to control and versioncontrol my builds inside datamanager and to ease the task to move Catalogs between environments.
However, the connections seems to be problematic to handle this way, particular taking into consideration how VSS6.0 and Data Manager integrates into each other. Check out components, check in catalog..! That means everything... including the connections, which differ to each environment.
I found out that I can create an Alias file to specify the connections.
But how does I integrate that into the jobstreams and execute build functionality, without typing the exact command every time?
Is the whole setup wrong and I shouldn't use source safe system in Data Manager?
Do I have to configure my way out of it, so that Data Manager cant see the connections in VSS?(Doesn't seems like its possible, since the connection components are a part of all the other components using a connection....)
Hope to hear from anyone who have solved the connection issues..:)