Hi All,
We have a requirement to build a report with ability to filter (different prompts) with certaiin columns in the report. what is the best approach to do this? with previous version to cognos 11 using query studio I built a similar kind of requirement. using cognos 11 what is the best approach. Kindly share some ideas.
If I understand your question correctly, build a Prompt Page w/ Parameters in the required Prompts w/ Checkboxes, Radio Buttons.
Decide which of those Prompts will be Required to Filter.
HTH, Bob
Quote from: sukanya on 28 Feb 2018 01:18:43 PM
Hi All,
We have a requirement to build a report with ability to filter (different prompts) with certaiin columns in the report. what is the best approach to do this? with previous version to cognos 11 using query studio I built a similar kind of requirement. using cognos 11 what is the best approach. Kindly share some ideas.
It depends on the level of filtering you require. If it's simple, just build the report in the Authoring tool with no filters or prompts using the columns you need. When you run the report, the Interactive Viewer in Cognos Analytics allows users to select values in columns and do their own filtering from the toolbar.
If you want something more structured, add prompts to the report also.